Voltboy---Friends Overdose
The reminder on the Multiply home page made it all too clear and practical - it's not about having a big network, it's about keeping a network that is meaningful to you.
It has been fun looking at what's happening in other people's lives on social websites like Friendster and Facebook. But lately I seem to have suffered from an overdose of unwanted information like status updates from people I don't really know. Put it in other words, people I knew long time ago but haven't spoken since. What's more, I could not get over the fact that some people would add me or accept my add, but not bothered to reply a hello. It's only a friendly gesture and keeping in touch is what this medium is all about, no?
So, it's time for the 'friends list' to slim down a bit, just like my waistline. Now I can really call it a friends list.
Hello all the meaningful ones